
Sitting down to enjoy a nice dinner after a long day is such a treat. The stress of the day just seems to melt away once you dive into some of your favorite comfort foods.

But all of those piles of potatoes and mounds of meat do more than just satisfy your hunger cravings. If you’re not careful, they can really make you pack on the pounds.

Here are 5 common dinner options with both a high-calorie version and a healthy dinner version. Take a look at how you can still enjoy the foods you love, but in a healthier version:

Meat Loaf – One popular restaurant chain serves up a version smothered in gravy that tops out at more than 800 calories per serving – plus 2,600 mg of sodium. Instead, try making your own at home. This meatloaf recipe has all of the nutrition, but only around 200 calories and around 300 mg of sodium. Add a few sweet potatoes and steamed green beans for a complete healthy dinner meal.

Chicken Strips – Of course they’re tasty and delicious, but another chain’s version offers a small container of them that’s loaded with 1,330 calories, 58 g of fat and 1,950 mg of sodium. This oven friendly version will give you all the flavor and crunch, but with only 351 calories per serving, 18 g of fat and 309 mg of sodium. Make a light dipping sauce of mustard and yogurt and pair it with a crunchy cabbage salad tossed in vinegar and olive oil for a delicious and low calorie dinner.

Steak – Although generally high in protein and nutrients, one chain’s version tops out at 990 calories and 64 g of fat, nearly one-third of it being saturated fat. Instead, try making this rib-eye steak topped with a tangy pepper sauce. At 24 g of protein, this steak recipe delivers only 239 calories and 13 g of fat. Add a serving of roasted vegetables to complete this low fat meal.

Shrimp Pasta – While shrimp is loaded with important nutrients, one chain’s version is laced with heavy cream and butter, then mixed with pasta for a whopping 1,020 calorie-fest. It also boasts 2,179 mg of sodium and 50 g of fat, nearly half being saturated. This shrimp pasta version is a much healthier and lower calorie dinner recipe with a meager 303 calories, 8 g of fat and 284 mg of sodium. Toss in as many fresh vegetables as you want to help make it a complete dinner.

Chicken Salad – It may be on a bed of healthy greens, but a certain chain’s chicken salad tops the scales at 1,360 calories and loads of fat and sodium – so much they didn’t even list them. Just by grilling the chicken and placing it on a bed of similar greens, this chicken salad has only 319 calories, 18 g of fat and 429 mg of sodium. That’s including the dressing made of fresh fruit blended with vinegar and oil.

Just by cooking your favorite recipes at home, not only do you cut down on calories and sodium, but you also know exactly what’s in your meal. For more healthy recipes, visit to help you make better choices throughout the day.

Remember to share this with someone who could benefit from learning how to eat healthier meals at home.


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