
Everyone gets those late morning cravings when they start to think about lunch. Nachos. Double decker burgers. Chicken wings. The longer they wait, the more intense the cravings for high-fat and high-calorie foods.

But those tasty lunches can add up in calories and fat, leaving you stuffed with over processed foods and refined carbohydrates. But there are healthy lunch options that are not only better for your health, but are also delicious tasting.

Here are 5 typical high calorie lunches, along with healthier, lower calorie lunch options:


High calorie: Convenience Store Sandwich

Of course they’re convenient and tasty, but it should stop and make you wonder if a wrapped up sandwich can have an expiration date into the next month. It’s because of the unhealthy preservatives that help them stay on the shelf longer. Sandwiches from convenience stores generally include lower grade ingredients, more fats, sweeteners and other additives.

Healthy Option: Turkey Wrap

At just 365 calories, turkey is delicious, lower in calories and a great source of protein. Make sure the wrap is made with a whole wheat tortilla and low fat or goat cheese. Remember to hold the mayonnaise.


High calorie: Fast Food Burger

Not all hamburgers are bad, but those from fast food restaurants are generally made with less quality ingredients, packed with fillers and then piled on with bacon, extra cheese and high-fat condiments bringing their calorie content to more than 1,000.

Healthy Option: Veggie Burger

High-protein meat substitute patties range around 100 calories, so even by adding a whole wheat bun, avocado and other fixings, this healthier option is still less than 400 calories. Switch it up and add pineapple to create a Hawaiian version.


High calorie: Cobb Salad

With its finely diced selection of bacon, egg, chicken and blue cheese, it seems like this sophisticated lunch would be a good option, but all of those ingredients help create a meal that can easily top 700 calories.

Healthy Option: Tarragon Chicken Salad

Enjoy this unique salad of sliced chicken breast and walnuts atop crisp spinach and fresh vegetables, then dressed with Greek yogurt. Besides all of its delicious ingredients, it’s also loaded with nutrients and probiotics.


High calorie: Fettuccini Alfredo

Creamy and delectable, this calorie fest will set you back more than 400 calories per cup and nearly half of them are from saturated fat. With a typical serving of at least 3 cups, that’s nearly 1,300 calories. That’s before adding any meat.

Healthy Option: Garden Pasta Salad

Even with whole wheat pasta, sliced chicken breast and cheese – plus olives and veggies – this bountiful pasta salad is still just under 400 calories. For less than another 100 calories, add a whole wheat pita, toasted and rubbed with garlic.


High calorie: Smoothie

Although smoothies are a healthier choice than fast food, they’re still high in calories and sugars – even if they are mostly natural sugar. Even light versions can have as much sugar as a soda.

Healthy Option: Fruit Salad

No matter what fruit you mix and match, you’ll only be eating about 75 calories per cup. Besides being low in calories, each color and type of fruit has its own specific vitamins and nutrients.

For more ideas about healthy lunches, read 35 Quick and Healthy Low-Calorie Lunches.

If you know someone who might benefit from learning more about healthy lunch choices, please share this article with them.


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