3731512-AIn several research studies, a psychological phenomenon known as ‘framing’ was shown to help people change the way they think about their health. The technique helps people live healthier by listening to that little voice in their head, but in a more positive way.

Basically, framing is the way the brain finds patterns in chaos and creates meaning out of uncertainty. The way one thinks about information has a major effect on their daily life.

For example, while the statement, ‘not exercising regularly can make you gain weight’ can help some lose weight, the statement ‘exercising regularly can help you lose weight’ is more likely to change unhealthy behaviors.

Positive messages like these are called ‘gain-framed messages’ and are proven to be more effective in helping people improve their health by adopting cancer prevention habits, quitting smoking and exercising more.

The positive message inspires us to win, rather than lose. Researchers calculate that a potential win is 1.5 to 2.5 times more beneficial to inspire us.

Other related research found that people who started on a weight loss program and believed they were going to succeed – known as ‘self-efficacy’ – lost more weight during the course of the study.

Other research confirmed that framing could help people be more successful when trying to lose weight. In the study, students were presented with two fabricated articles. One article stated that people were helpless to change their weight because of genetic factors and the other told students they had control over their weight. Those who had read the first article reported that they were less optimistic, more helpless and had less desire to try future diets.

Another study showed that people who framed things in a positive light were more likely to effectively deal with adversity, took proactive steps to protect their health, were healthier, made more money and had better relationships.

A final study about losing weight grouped people by empowering them to stay focused on their weight goal by saying “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” – such as, I don’t eat ice cream as compared to I can’t eat ice cream. Those who used “I don’t” were more likely to practice their healthy habits and avoid unhealthy ones.

To lose weight and build a healthier body, it does matter what one thinks, according to the research. Here are some tips about framing things in a positive way.

Practice positive messaging – The more you recognize how framing works, the sharper your mind will be about reframing negative messages into positive ones, which will lead to a healthier you.

Write it down – To successfully complete your goals, write down when you plan to accomplish them and how you will do that. The more specific you are, the more you will be committed to accomplishing your health goals.

Empower yourself – Use strong affirmative statements and repeat them to yourself, saying phrases such as “I will lose weight,” “I don’t drink soda anymore” and “I can do this.”

Framing your goals in a positive light will help you attain not only your weight and health goals, but can help you succeed in many other facets of your life.



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