Knee pain - runner injury

Throughout the month, we have featured an illuminating series on the common types, causes and symptoms of arthritis. Currently, there are more than 100 types of arthritis that affect more than 50 million Americans.

Highlighting what we shared the past several weeks, 2 of the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis affecting 33 million Americans and rheumatic arthritis which impacts 1.5 million.

Osteoarthritis is mainly caused by damage to joint cartilage either from injury, wear or from being overweight, while rheumatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease caused by the body turning on itself after dealing with an infection.

Now that you’ve learned about what arthritis is, what causes it and some of the symptoms, we’ll finish off the series with tips to keep joints healthy.

Here are 10 ways to keep your joints as healthy as possible, for as long as possible, to help prevent arthritis.

Keep Moving – The more you remain active, the less stiff your joints will be. Physical activity has been shown to keep joints limber.

Protect Yourself – Even minor joint damage can hasten arthritis, so be careful when engaging in physical activity. Wear protective gear or braces to guard against damage.

Lose Weight – If your joints are hurting, it may be from the added strain of excess weight. Even minor weight loss – each pound lost takes 4 pounds of pressure off your knees – can have a major effect on keeping joints healthy.

Exercise – Avoid exercises that cause pounding and jarring on the joints. Opt for low-impact activities like walking and swimming, and make sure to lift light weights to keep joints strong.

Build Muscle – Building stronger muscles around joints has been shown to put less stress on those surrounding joints. Even building your core – your abs, hip and back muscles – creates better balance that helps you avoid damaging joints.

Stretch – Before you do even the most minor of tasks, make sure you stretch. If you’re going to be exercising, perform a little light warm up first to loosen joints and ligaments.

Eat Fish – Eat more cold-water fish like salmon that boast an ample supply of omega-3 fatty acids known to keep joints healthy. It also reduces joint inflammation and tenderness.

Keep Bones Strong – Include a variety of dairy products and deep-green, leafy vegetables in your diet. They’re all wonderful sources of calcium and Vitamin D that keep your bones strong.

Take Supplements – If you don’t like salmon, dairy or vegetables, at least take a supplement containing joint-enhancing nutrients. Consider taking glucosamine, SAMe and chondroitin which have all been found to help keep joints healthy and relieve joint pain.

Be Careful – If you need to carry heavy objects, try to keep them as close to your chest as possible. Let your larger muscles support the weight to help prevent injury to the joints.

Now that you’ve discovered all about the common types, causes, and symptoms of arthritis, apply some of what you learned to keep your joints strong and healthy.

Remember, damaged cartilage cannot ever grown back and most joint damage requires extensive surgery, so it’s wise to protect your joints and keep them healthy for your entire lifetime.

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Monthly Series – All About Arthritis Part 1

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