In just a few days, you’ll be loading up your Thanksgiving dinner plate with enough vittles to fill a pilgrim hat right to the brim – turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. All drowning in a sea of rich and creamy gravy.

Then there’s dessert. Lots of dessert, of course. Crowned with whipped cream.

With all of these delectable dishes, you’ll also be loading up on a super-sized serving of calories. Thousands of calories. That’s right – thousands.

The average Thanksgiving dinner can easily top 4,500 calories. More than twice the average daily calorie count. But how can you still gobble up the food-filled festivities without popping your pants buttons.

Here are some alternatives for healthy Thanksgiving meals:

  • Make gravy with fat-free chicken broth or fruit juice
  • Instead of oil and butter in baked goods, use apple sauce or fruit purees
  • Replace creamy green bean casserole with steamed vegetables
  • Load up your stuffing with more vegetables and fruits
  • Substitute cream or mayonnaise with low-fat milk or yogurt
  • Serve fresh or poached fruit along with traditional dessert pies

Here are some delicious, lower calorie recipes:

With just a few of these simple and easy alternatives, you’ll still be able to savor the holiday flavors – in a much healthier way. No one will really notice the difference. Except maybe your waist line.





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  • Nancy Fox10 years ago

    I'm so happy to see you including my skinny mashed potatoes recipe in your Thanksgiving menu. Thank you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,